About us

How Dreams and Themes started…

Tara Rybicki and Rhiannon Couturier Barr are the co-owners of Dreams and Themes Sleepovers.

After working eight years in a position as a dietitian at the hospital, Tara was told the position was eliminated. “Losing your job is always jarring,” she says, “ but I ultimately decided to look at it as an opportunity to do something that I could really enjoy…something that was fun!” Around the same time Rhiannon’s father passed away whom she had been caring for during the seven years prior, “my daily focus was caring for my father. I needed a healthy outlet, so I wasn’t focusing on this horrible loss. Starting this business provided a way to channel my energy into something positive and help fill the emptiness.”

They both experienced a loss on different levels. “We leaned on each other and tapped into each of our strengths to develop Dreams and Themes Sleepovers which is a themed sleepover party business,” says Tara. Both women have children that are at the sleepover age. “They are our inspiration, and we often bounce ideas off them. Also, this type of business is not available in our area, so we hope to add a fun activity to our community” Rhiannon adds.

“We want each kid that walks in and sees that party set-up to be wowed and to leave with a positive memory that lasts forever,” says Tara. Rhiannon mentions, “we plan to add more themes based on what our clients suggest, and we also will be adding more fun add-on options like indoor picnic set-ups and a karaoke machine.”

Find more information and book a party here on their website or find them on Facebook or Instagram @dreamsandthemessleepovers. For questions, please contact Tara and Rhiannon at dreamsandthemessleepovers@gmail.com

About Rhiannon

“I am a natural born shopper with a slight shoe addiction. I love traveling to warm places with my husband and daughter and also love exploring the local food scene with my ladies night mama group. I love to go all out decorating for each and every holiday, especially Halloween which also happens to be my birthday.”

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